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#12 Let`s say the name of the vehicle in Japanese.
In Japan, just like in England and Australia, cars are driven on the left-hand side of the road. Japanese cars which are sold in Japan almost a right ...

#11 Let`s say the name of the home appliances and electronics in Japanese.
Japan is famous in the field of electrics and home appliances. However in recent year, it might decline further in the future because of the makers C ...

#10 Let`s say the name of the colors and the design in Japanese.
Japanese people are not good at speaking English as of now. So you might struggle to communicate with Japanese people when you are in Japan. But almo ...

#9 Let`s say the name of the stationery and the others items in Japanese.
Japan is famous for its stationery. Many tourist from a foreign country seems to buy the stationery Japan original. If you know the Japanese name o ...

#8 Let`s say the name of the foods and the drinks in Japanese.
The list of Japanese words about the foods, meal.
EnglishJapanesekanjiPronunciationfoodたべもの食べ物TABEMONOriceこめ米KOMEbreadパンPANpastaパスタPASUTApizza ...

#7 Let`s say the name of the animals and the marine mammal in Japanese.
The list of Japanese words about the animals.
EnglishJapanesekanjiPronunciationanimalどうぶつ動物DOUBUTUdogいぬ犬INUcatねこ猫NEKOcaw/beefうし/ぎゅう牛USHIpig/ ...

#6 Let`s say the name of the furniture and the household items in Japanese.
To know the name of the furniture and the household items is important to live in Japan. Most supermarkets and convenience stores don`t have English ...

#5 Let`s say the name of the sports in Japanese.
Today, we learn about name of sports. In Japan, baseball and soccer is the two of the most popular sport. National sport is sumo. Sumo is just like a ...

#4 Let`s say the name of the clothing and the accessory in Japanese.
Lesson 6 名詞 (noun) ④We are going to learn about new noun just like #1, #2, #3.
The list of Japanese words about the clothing.
EnglishJapanes ...

#3 Let`s say the name of the number, the date, and the day of the week in Japanese.
Can you say the number from 1 to 10 in Japanese? When you start studying Japanese, you will learn the number from 1 to 10 in Japanese as first step o ...