Category: Today`s lesson

Lesson11. Japanese kanji. What is the meaning of 玉、円、本、文、字 ?
Continuing with what we covered the lesson (Lesson10 Japanese kanji).Let`s study about the Japanese kanji (人、子、犬、虫、車) one by one.
No.50 What`s the ...

Lesson10. Japanese kanji. What is the meaning of 人、子、犬、虫、車.
Continuing with what we covered the lesson (Lesson9 Japanese kanji), let`s study about the Japanese kanji (人、子、犬、虫、車) one by one.
https://k-jap ...

Lesson 9. Japanese kanji. What is the meaning of 男、女、赤、青、白.
Continuing with what we covered the lesson (Lesson8. Japanese kanji), let`s study about the Japanese kanji one by one.
No.40 What`s the meanin ...

Lesson 8. Japanese kanji. What is the meaning of 目、口、耳、手、足.
Continuing with what we covered the lesson (Lesson.7 Japanese kanji), let`s study about the Japanese kanji (目、口、耳、手、足) one by one.
https://k-ja ...

Lesson7. Japanese kanji. What is the meaning of 山、川、空、雨、草、花、林、竹.
Continuing with what we covered the lesson (#6 Japanese kanji), let`s study about the Japanese kanji one by one.
No.27 What`s the meaning of 山, ...

Lesson6. Japanese kanji. What is the meaning of 大、中、小、左、右、上、下.
Continuing with what we covered the lesson (#5 Japanese kanji), let`s study about the Japanese kanji one by one.
No.20 What`s the meaning of 大, an ...

Lesson5. Japanese kanji. What is the meaning of 月、火、水、木、金、土、日.
Continuing with what we covered the lesson (#4 Japanese kanji), let`s study about the Japanese kanji one by one.
No.13 What`s the meaning of 月, an ...

Lesson4. Japanese kanji. What is the meaning of 四、五、六、七、八、九、十、百、千。
This time, Let`s learn how to use and pronounce 四、五、六、七、八、九、十、百、千、 with meaning of it. I explain those kanji one by one.
No.4 What`s the meaning ...

Lesson3. What is Japanese kanji ?
The meaning of exist Japanese kanji.
Japanese Kanji derive from China. And it is gradually getting to change for original peculiar to Japan. I ...

Lesson2. What is Katakana ?
You had already learned about ひらがな (Hiragana) in the lesson 1.If you don`t learn Hiragana, please check #1 (What is hiragana?).
So today let`s st ...