Category: Difference in meaning

4. What is the difference in meaning between 大切(taisetsu), 大事(daiji), and 重要(jyuuyou) in Japanese.
What is the difference in meaning between 大切(taisetsu), 大事(daiji), and 重要(jyuuyou) in Japanese.
What are the meaning of 大切 (taisetsu) in J ...

3. What is the difference in meaning between 病状(byoujyou), 症状(shoujyou), and 容態(youtai).
What is the difference in meaning between 病状(byoujyou), 症状(shoujyou), and 容態(youdai) in Japanese.
Do you know the difference between these nuanc ...

2. What is the difference in nuances and meaning between 見る,観る,診る, and 看る(miru) in Japanese.
What is the differences in nuance and meaning between 見る,観る,診る, and看る(miru) in Japanese.
Do you know the difference between the nuances and ...

1. What is the difference between “~だけ~”(DAKE) and “~しか~ない”(SHIKA NAI).
Do you know the differences in nuance between "〜だけ〜" (~dake~) and "〜しか〜ない" (~shika~nai~)?
What is the differences in nuance between "shika" and ...